Msg no. April 1 Welcome to April 2024

USPHS EMA: April 1, 2024: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management. We are in our 7th year of service.  Today is April 1, a day of Spring.  USPHS EMA is free a public health  emergency service which reports on the news and information emergency.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information, religious information,  historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.  More information is located just after our history  lesson.

USPHS EMA: April 1, 2024: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.

Today in history

In our history, the hipster and the trickster gave us black sabbath for children, a day known as Halloween, even a fools day!  You are fools no more. Happy April fools day.  It is important to keep tabs on news & information,  so nothing takes you by surprise.

The World Crown says that in the month of April there many festivals and events to attend and some to avoid, but the fools feast will be judged God.

Also today in history Sergey Rachmaninoff born April 1, 1873 Oneg, Russia and died as an American  March 28, 1943 at age 69 in Beverly Hills, California.  It seems that our great country has attracted to its soil some of the world’s greatest geniuses.

Speaking of geniuses, also today in history American composer and pianist Scott Joplin, who was known as the “king of ragtime” at the turn of the 20th century, died in New York City.  read more at the Library of Congress

Just below is more information about USPHS EMA.  We recommend you read our entire post.

USPHS EMA: 2024: Technology & News Report: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  News and information are in a state of emergency.  Technology is also conspired against.

911 Keyboard

Around the world many keyboards are disabled in the letter “v”.  The letters  “s”  “x” “w” brackets, the @ sign and the number “2” are also conspired against.

If you are a good normal person and keyboard terrorism affects you, you can use dictation or change your keyboard and correct the problem.  If you don’t want to change out your keyboard  you can copy paste from almost anywhere or use your digital emergency keyboard, if it works.

Technology, news, political and all forms of terrorism are a human problem connected to larger international criminal conspiracies and greater crimes.  The World Crown promises you justice and a better world.

USPHS EMA: 2024: Hello and Welcome to United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management, truth is health to the nation. Jose Maria Chavira MS is special agent in charge of the United States of America through Emergency Powers.  USPHS EMA are in our 7th year of service.

USPHS EMA: News & Information:   Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management. If this is your very first time at our website we welcome you.

USPHS EMA is free a public health  emergency service.   We use a free non-profit website. USPHS EMA reports on the news and information emergency.  We follow a Library of Congress script unless otherwise decided.

On the side to make it worth your while we offer a free daily history lesson courtesy of the Library of Congress and resources which can help you understand and live confidently inside the news and information emergency.

Here you can also read original writings from our Special Agent in Charge under Emergency Powers about why the news emergency exists, and about the Providence of God in the United States America in its history and in the present.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information, religious information,  historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.

USPHS EMA is on your side. We would like to think everyone is following our lead, but there is no communication.  Joe Biden is virtual. Before him Donald Trump was virtual, and second term of Barrack Obama was virtual.   Our mission to communicate to the public has been defined by the absence of communication with us inside a situation where the public has been placed at risk by news and information.

As nice as they might seem, any news and information  associated with Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Co. et al and their equivalents in other countries are capable of taking you by surprise. Be careful with all information associated with these men or their equivalents.

It is best not to take news and information to seriously while the general emergency is still in effect.

USPHS EMA:  Medical information:  While processes of justice are in effect,  citizens still have to protect themselves from general news and information and information terrorism, especially medical.

Coronavirus, MPOX, Cholera and Dengue have been declared global situations by

      • Coronavirus
      • MPOX
      • Cholera.
      • Dengue

Ethnic cleansing has been confirmed. Ethnic cleansing works percentages: In Ethnic cleansing people report many successful vaccinations, treatments and recoveries from the latest disease.  Less than 1% of people die in ethnic cleansing. However, less than 1% of the global population could add up to millions of deaths.

To learn more visit the World Health Organization’s emergency information portals.  These emergency services  are written in Spanish  and English  and may be translated into any language in the world.

An article about Monkeypox –   See Æ  for the full story. Æ section U in English and Æ Section N is Spanish may be translated into any language in the world.

More information about ethnic cleansing

In ethnic cleansing disease is simply a muse for ethnic cleansing to take place.

Ethnic cleansing is a matter of collaboration, a medical trend started by terrorists and corrupted medical authority.

In ethnic cleansing the latest approved disease is the last thing you have to worry about.

To make ethnic cleansing work many industries cooperate and collaborate with medical terrorists a form of central  power that pretends to be medical authority.   No real medical authority would cooperate with ethnic cleansing unless its people are totally corrupted.

In ethnic cleansing a person can die by anything but their death is classified however the killer wants, usually death is classified as the latest disease.

In ethnic cleansing,  a corrupted medical system might classify death by natural causes, as death by the latest medical disease in order to boost the statistics.  The higher the numbers the more terror.

In ethnic cleansing people have died getting treated, being experimented on, by accident, by vaccine, from bad medical advice, bad medical information etcetera.   In ethnic cleansing during peacetime, the challenge is to kill ethnics without anyone suspecting that it is going on and the disease is but an escape goat.

This recently declared pandemic called the coronavirus was a hoax of the greatest proportions.  It remains an ethnic cleansing muse that terrorists don’t want to let go of.

In ethnic cleansing, news and information play a critical role and is used to drive you into ethnic cleansing operations.  And so while ethnic cleansing remains in effect, it is important not to restrict your breathing, keep sober and healthy and away from all medical propaganda.

Make sure your doctor, clinic or hospital is not trending the latest the disease and let them know about World Health Organization’s emergency information services.

USPHS EMA:  History in the making:  Welcome to USPHS Emergency Management a first responder.    A  World Crown has been established by faith in the Holy Spirit.  It was established to take responsibility for Judgment of God, bring the Judgment of God to a close and start a new era.

The News  is like a predator a master of camouflage.

A reverse image search will authenticate a photograph of a virtual person and cannot protect you like the truth can.  For example.  Donald Trump is no longer among the living .    That small truth will help you factor out all news associated with him.


USPHS EMA:  Is the news real or fake?  This topic is the reason USPHS EMA exists.  We are experts and we are here to help.  Today’s news and information emergency has been in effect since 2011-2012.  USPHS EMA has been warning citizens since 2017. Now training away from us in how to read the news has started.

USPHS EMA feels it is best simply to avoid the news and simply keep tabs on it so nothing takes you by surprise.

Virtual Realty and Facial Recognition.

News and information are in a state of emergency.  In this emergency people create virtual people such as the president and use  virtual reality for many different purposes.

Facial recognition technology can also be used to copy you.  If your facial recognition falls into the wrong hands it can be used to imitate you and compromise your security.  Your face could end up on videos without you knowing.  This old military intelligence technology was introduced with poor transparency and inside the same situation which is still occurring today.   Facial recognition technology works on photographs, stuffed animals, Lladrós, sculptures, graphics and paintings. Using virtual reality software  terrorists can place coronavirus masks on anyone’s face and make entire presentations of people exercising and wearing coronavirus masks.

Whats going on?

 There are still problems with technology and the internet.    High speed computers continue to be used to create virtual leaders to drive business, politics and general corruption.

Ordinary people, organized crime, terrorists and paramilitaries now use the same virtual reality technology as governments, intelligence agencies and the military.  The World Crown promises full and complete justice.

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service.  EMA Emergency Management. News and information remain  in a state of emergency.

Hello and welcome USPHS EMA.     News and information are in a general state of emergency.  No critical contact has been made with U.S. Emergency Services. News from CBS, ABC & NBC is also in a state of emergency. An  EBS  emergency service was created for each one.

These emergency services will publish once a year or more if conditions are favorable.

MMXII- April 2024 USPHS EMA:  Welcome to USPHS EMA.  Our States & Territories of the United States of America page carries links to websites from all the states.  If your State’s website is not in working order do not panic,  check websites for your local government and keep checking back on your states website. You can also visit local government offices to help ease your mind about the state.

We encourage universities, state and local governments which have Wikipedia pages to make sure your information is correct and links to your websites are up to date.

News and information are in a state of emergency.

The first rule in a news and information  emergency is to protect yourself from news and information.  This means that in a news and information emergency, news and information, could be used to hurt you financially, physically and psychologically. Coronavirus is part of the news and information emergency and was started using virtual leaders. The World Health Organization’s Emergency Services in English and Spanish  can be translated into any language in the world.  For more information and more resources, please visit our resource page.

Today is another another public health day, another education day, another public safety day, another Parks day,  another day of work  another day of prayer and another day of rest.

Welcome to USPHS EMA. Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected

Welcome to USPHS EMA.  The United States Educational System is unrivaled by any nation in the world.

Interested in Railway Education?. Need information about your state? Talk to any career & guidance counselor at your high school, a local college or university to see what is available in your state.

Welcome to USPHS EMA. Our military is the foundation of our Law enforcement and our correctional systems.

Welcome to USPHS EMA. Are you new to our service?  We welcome you to read our previous posts.  USPHS EMA places free resources at your fingertips,  and the best available free public digital libraries in the world.

“To write history, whether it be false, true or a mixture of both with colorful fictitious men and women personalities and clever anecdotes , you have to control government.” Jose Maria ChavIra M.S.

1Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?  2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.  3. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.  Isaiah 53:1-4 King James Bible

If a Man is destined by God to lead, it is not something that can be voted on but it must be proven to the people by the Holy Spirit and made manifest.   It is not the intention of Holy Spirit to offend those who disprove of  him or hate him whatever their reasons may be, rather to find a way to help reconcile them, console them, educate them and bring them to their better senses.  Jose Maria ChavIra M.S.  Feb. 21, 2024

“A friendly “no fear” standing invitation to make contact with special agent Jose Maria Chavira M.S. is extended to all local, state and national emergency management directors to network with USPHS EMA a specialist in the news and information emergency.” Jose Maria ChavIra M.S.

“…Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed…..”  George Washington

“In as so much as men suffer, God has also established that the power to judge those who oppress them comes with responsibility so that the people will know that Providence rescued them and that their salvation does not come by the sword rather by the words of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Should records of Gods judgment be altered, destroyed or occulted, it is up to people to restore their records with care, with repentance, with discernment, with prayer, with wisdom and led by Man to such ends….”Jose Maria Chavira M.S

“Aside from a few other emergency services, we are the only serious U.S. emergency service which we know of who reports on it in the manner we do.    No contact with us from the FCC for more than 12 years indicates to us that they are not interested in getting involved with this news and information emergency.

We feel it is important. Our post  and resources will help to explain the emergency.  Should the FCC or any organization decide to report on the news and information emergency please call special agent Jose Maria Chavira M.S.  immediately to network with him.  Thank you. .”Jose Maria Chavira M.S

The Judgment of God works quietly in our lives and as a result regular people don’t perceive the Judgment of God on their own. The Judgment of God  is not terrifying to the regular public who can still enjoy a sporting event or even go fishing while it is in progress. Jose Maria Chavira M.S

Since making the Judgment of God officially public 2011-2012 more than 12 years have passed.  In the United States alone 3 Olympic Games, 13 World Series Championships, 13 NFL  & NBA Championships  have passed with virtual leaders  sometimes in attendance at the games.  Creating political leaders which have been judged by God are done using high speed computers and placing virtual media the Internet and Television.  ( Origins and Development of Faith Est.2011)

Despite having the assurance of God’s justice on our side, we still think a lot about dangers of Communism,  Socialism,  the  German rite, the Scottish Rite & the York Rite. e.g. Freemasonry and rites around the world all of which contributed to the disappearance and deaths of millions of students, children, women and men something no court in the world was capable handling.  If you are new to our USPHS EMA a World Crown has been established to accept responsibility for the justice this world so badly needs.  Jose Maria Chavira M.S.

The nation’s destiny rests is in the hands of men and women of good character as measured, weighed and Judged by God.  Jose Maria Chavira M.S.

a network of emergency services   began after 4 years communicating through the website known as the Official Government of the United States of America a time during which no official contact was made with U.S. Emergency Services asking why such services were needed.  USPHS EMA  started depending on the same Providential authority which safely merged the Colonists with the Indians, and eventually established the 13 colonies.  Since 2011-2012 a slow stable and steady Judgment of God has allowed every nation  to continue in our world despite the problems with virtual leaders.  Jose Maria Chavira M.S.

If a government website alludes to Joe Biden being president or anyone in government alludes tells you Joe Biden is in charge,  they are misinformed.    But those knowingly conspiring against the citizens of our Nation will be brought to justice in due time by the U.S. District Attorney.  If the U.S. District Attorney is compromised or refuses or reluctant to exact correct justice, or his / her justice is weak and does not satisfy the Holy Spirit, the World Crown’s justice you can depend on. Jose Maria ChavIra M.S.  Feb. 21, 2024

Free Books!

 Internet Archive

Chronicling America

Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963.  You can also use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.

A Framework of History

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Founding Documents

Welcome to the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management Agency. Mass media is in a state of emergency for political news and general information.