

Section 1

On many occasions have men conspired.  Their fear of God and of God’s judgment has turned men of fraternal allegiance into a groups of men combined with very intelligent, subtle men and also some not so subtle.    It is important for Americans and world citizens to know that information conspiracies are supported by ruthless unrepentant men and women and our Holy Spirit and prayer against them is our best defense.  In countries where people are discouraged not to pray, the judgment of God still rescues them.


Section 2

Mechanics of conspiracies

In an educational or political conspiracy records to validate information are thorough.   Diaries, eyewitness accounts, records and important documents all have to be altered or fabricated to support the conspiracy.  After they are used up, old records and information are thoroughly destroyed and new records which take their place have to be convincing or else is would not be a good conspiracy.


Section 3

Satanic or duelist conspiracies are international cultural projects

Worldwide,  the cult of international wizardry has penetrated even China where citizens are encouraged to live atheist lives.  Information conspiracies against history and historical figures exists worldwide.  Once a great rising of Providence, King Louis XIV, whose impact on American Territories is very noticeable., is now called a sun worshiper.  Before him William Shakespeare, a writer of great words and not just for the theater, has been turned into a cult, but so has Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gautama and let us not forget those who claim to be Jewish mystics and sacrifice children to moloch.  Many religions reflect intrusion by heretic philosophies and cult doctrines. Holy books are conspired against. Founding documents are conspired against.  Patriarchs and Matriarchs (our roles models) are conspired against.

One such conspiracy is that George Washington was a Freemason.  The Father of the country would not  be a Freemason or a Grand Master Wizard.  If he was a Freemason or a Grand Master Wizard, he would have been judged by God together with all the tyrants who practiced wizardry for the British Crown who got judged.  We believe George Washington was a good protestant Christian, a congregationalist or possibly even a Catholic.  It is natural that heretic men would conspire against the information of the man called “The Father” of the country.


Section 4

Racism and accidental racism

Accidental racism occurs because its style and words are in our texts books.  In matters of records about Native American tribes in history on Islands or on the mainland, stories are told about how the original inhabitants disappeared.  We should not assume the worst in each other and think a plague or white supremacy has wiped them out.  Sometimes humans have massacred their fellow humans for racial reasons which is why we have the Providence of God to help us and to bring to justice cult and racial conspiracies.  These do not get preserved, explained or documented so well.  Natives and non natives have experienced Providence of the God.

Back to the disappearances of Native American tribes. Seldom  do writers explorer migration or integration as a reason for a tribes disappearance in absence of better records.  There is much to be said about natural integration.  Much native American blood flows through Americans, Canadians, and North & South Americans in general and very few live on reservations and many have no idea that some of their relatives were Native Americans.

Stories of extinction seem to prevail much these days.  I feel no one has really gone totally extinct, but when civilizations conqueror, the conquered with time lose much of the original cultural information which previously identified them.

Back to the disappearances of Native American tribes. Sometimes is written a story about an old galleon moving people off Islands to the mainland.  This happened for slavery or to help the people get off the island.   Though we have a history of slavery,  it seems to get less and less.  Another reason for the disappearances of Native American tribes. is sometimes people left their territories or Islands all by themselves in search of a more promising future and a better life.  Sometimes there were no written words of a tribe making it very hard to determine their existence let alone their outcome with any reasonable explanation.  JC11242022

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