Have you ever played Musical Chairs?

USPHAS EMA Testament of the United States of America The Desk of JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st Primogenitvs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 205007

USPHS-EMA: MMXII-05212024 Welcome to USPHS EMA Emergency Management:  This latest Judgment of God is marked from 1945-to present.  Today’s playlist which ends in the year 1976 falls way short of [the] total sum of crimes committed against the citizens of our world.

We are in a classical American Providence.  This means that God’s Holy Spirit has been moved from its sovereignty and a usually steady Judgment of God has escalated meaning it has gotten stronger.

To keep this analysis simple, the Judgment of God is like the children’s game called musical chairs.  Each day around the world, at various times throughout the day, the time comes when the music stops.  When the music stops a chair of power is taken away by God.

Music plays an important role in this world.  Music both blesses and repels, heals or makes things worse.  Today’s playlist is used for both healing, and warning, for starting and stopping.    If one thing we know for sure is that God does not stop the world, men do.  God does not stop progress, men do.  God heals and men make others sick.  God frees and men take others as slaves and even hostages.

If one thing we know for sure the Judgment of God is a constant and deliberate reckoning with humanity those lost to a human condition forged by its own members who return to that same human condition not as its creators, or facilitators  but rather as its subjects and become the victims of their own tyranny.

Such [a] complex organism that is existence, the art of life  being born again into different bodies and into different nations is something so superior to our evolution as spiritual beings that it can only be manged by God’s Holy Spirit.

Though grace abounds to [the] human condition must still be policed at the highest levels by the Holy Spirit whose force helps to support police at the lower levels.

But the Judgement of God is nothing to fear.  It is always with us and is like wind pattern, getting stronger at times and at others, like a gentle breeze.

During the Judgment of God, all the Olympic Games have taken place, and hundreds and thousands of professional and amateur  sporting championships have been won and lost.  The Judgment of God is commonly referred to as the general decline.

During the general decline life,  as you will notice, is peaceful and generally stable for most people.   The United States is a prosperous nation and not in decline.  In decline is domestic terrorism, Freemasons and their equivalents, cultists, military communist &  and military socialist leadership is always in decline.  In short the world’s most dangerous people are in decline and today’s music selections reflect a world in Judgment, an event which can escape us if we do not take notice.

During the judgment of God mass media, news and general information are not reliable, even religious information is not reliable.  In the judgment of God music is Rex Tremendae, both loud and soft, angelic or demonic, but there is also easy listening, country and pop music into which escape into.

While the Judgement of God is in escalation,  like it is at this moment,  it is best not watch political television or even read the subtitles that politics superimposes on your television.  If you like peaceful music don’t watch the playlist.  It is a playlist that describes judgment, tragedy as well as peace.

Regardless how turbulent today’s playlist is, the Judgment of God is a safe,  stable event, reliable event.  Its results will surprise you, and even appease you.

You can continue in school and get a degree while God Judges the earth.  You can start a business and raise a family during the judgment of God, even find good job or career.

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service  EMA Emergency Management.  News & Information remain in a state of emergency.

“God’s continued justice should not surprise anyone.”  Jose Maria Chavira M.S.

United States Public Service EMA Emergency Management Agency: The Desk of JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st Primogenitvs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 205007