2024 Append 01

USPHS EMA: MMXII-2024:  Welcome to Appendage no. 1

Jose’s Desk

(An old paramilitary cartoon)  In 1978, the movie Wizards was still playing at the City Shopping center, in Orange County California.  I remember driving to my 8th grade graduation with my mom’s permission.  She worked two jobs and was to tired to attend.  That day I won my school’s  Outstanding Sportsman award.  Afterwards, my Holy Spirit took me to the movies where I watched and absorbed the film Wizards 1976.     I sat through it twice and was all by myself.  I would later purchase the laser disk. 

In the movie Wizards, 1976 the battle for supremacy was fought between powers of technology and magic.  Clearly visible was Freemasonry, Communism, National Socialism & English Socialism when Americans attention was drawn more toward Communism.

Included, in the film was a mocking statement that religion was no good and that it did not work.  The paramilitary men proceeded to blow up the religious building. I was shocked.  I was at the time a born again Christian attending bible study youth group at Sunrise  Christian Fellowship Joe Magliano’s church in the Orange Circle the home Church of Carman Licciardello.

Carmen was not a satanist. He was a born again Christian.  There is a conspiracy to turn many Christian things into satanism.  George Washington was also not a Freemason.  Neither was Joseph Smith.

Satanism collaborates with communism and English Socialism Communist & English Socialist Paramilitaries (White Supremacy) have had success with many bombings when fighting against or even collaborating with a wizard led nation.  Nations must be under God and not under wizards.  Immorality, atheism, beliefs in satan, cults, wizards & witches & communism and socialism weaken the natural divine protection of any nation.

File: Blackwolf’s 4th Reich | Wizard. Templin Institute :

The whole problem with English Socialism is that the Supreme Dictator does not and cannot exist.  English Socialism is a leaderless form of government always in judgment, always in a general decline.  By leaderless we mean they rely on propaganda, technology, and control of the news and information and government communications to give people the illusion of the leader. The goal of English Socialism is perpetual ethnic cleansing.

Dated to 1945, George Orwell’s novel was nothing new, but refreshed the practices of white supremacy.  The reason we are not destroyed is because our Holy Spirit has been giving us steady justice and now is helping us defeat the illusion of English Socialism all over the world.

File: The war that is not meant to be one: JUDICIVM I.D. § 9N7S03


(Clause 1)  We are in a news and information emergency. Technology during this time is being used against you. During the news and information emergency every effort to conspire against you is done while your being lied to about the president or the situation at hand and without giving you perfect transparency.

(Clause 2)  While we remain in a news and information emergency, be cautious in all things, especially virtual and mixed reality legislation and all the climate change trends and health trending meaning the latest disease and vaccine.

Notes: Joseph Smith & the Church of Jesus Christ:  The Mormon Church at Utah is considered a Christian Church because it uses the Bible’s Old & New  Testament:

Fact: Joseph Smith and the Church did minister to Indigenous and had an Indigenous ministry.  It was important to Joseph Smith to make sure that the Indigenous and all peoples know that Jesus loved them.

Notes on Freemasonry: Mormons must not let anyone push them around about Freemasonry in their religion.  The masons have penetrated all the religions of the world, have made up a lot of things and try to pass it off as scripture.

Notes:  Religion:  Fact:  Masonic teachings are found in all the religions including sacrifices which explains the Judgment of religious leaders worldwide in Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism,  Protestant and orthodox Christianity and the Catholic Church and in all the religions:

Notes:  The Bible: The Qur’an and all Sacred Texts:  We can measure the words of God by their simplicity, inclusion of all peoples, their love, their intent, and universal applications.

We can measure all things with wisdom by factoring out prejudice which is responsible for Christians, Muslims and Jews believing they only live once thinking just like an atheist person might think.  Prejudice men have turned “God’s Chosen” which are everyone into only Jews.   You are all special.  You are all God’s Chosen from the very worst of you  to the very best.

Notes:  Reincarnation:  You must be born again.  You will be born again.  It is not a sin if you do not believe in reincarnation.   But when you do, it makes education, thought, global planning, philosophy and your general perspective much more interesting and gratifying.

Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. It attaches to opioid receptors and reverses and blocks the effects of other opioids.  For better health it is best not to drink alcohol, not to use opioids, not to smoke marijuana or take any kind of illegal drugs.

Almost anything taken in large quantities can lead to overdose.   Naloxone is also not to be confused with MeloxicamMeloxicam is the active ingredient in Mobic and many other medications.  Meloxicam is an anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain and inflammation in rheumatic diseases and osteoarthritis.

When Meloxicam is mixed with alcohol you may experience chest or throat pain, stomach pain, seizures, coma, lack of energy, and blue lips/skin/fingernails.  It is recommended never to mix any medication with alcohol.

(Medicine and Information) During a news and information emergency you can expect the names of medications to change, the introduction of new medications or even the debunking of your old medications.

People who believe in God experience greater peace and reassurance to  during a news and information emergency.

Ohio Recovery Centers

(Homelessness) No country in the world has more resources than the the United States of America for Homeless people.  A real homeless person is a person who is not mentally ill.  They might be a real U.S. Vet which has had some bad luck and does not know what benefits they have.

A real homeless person gathers information looks for shelter and complies with police and the laws of a city and is usually grateful for all the resources and shelters available to them in any given city.   A real homeless person does not break the law and will do whatever it takes to find a place to sleep.  Most shelters offer food.  Many establishments and people give homeless people food to eat if they simply ask.

A real homeless person might also have mental illness which keeps them dysfunctional.

(Homelessness & Mental illness)  Mental illness has many environmental, social and pharmacological factors.   Satanism produces many mentally ill people.  A working or homeless militant satanist may claim to be a veteran, an atheist, a mormon, a catholic, christian, or a muslim, a tax payer who was thrown out onto the street, etcetera.  Like working satanists aggressively work to expand their religion into every state, satanic homeless people are intentionally homeless, aggressively homeless,  disruptive, intentional anarchists with motives to disrupt society, exploit society and cause civil unrest.  Some might even be paid operatives by the world’s most richest satanic men.

(Intentional homelessness) might also be facilitated by enemies of  the state,   low level anarchists, communists and a  paramilitary strategy to see what can be exploited or disrupted in any given city.   Intentional homelessness is method considered by communist spymasters to introduce a small platoon of men and women in any given city.   Immigrants escaping communism and its poverty in latin America are not dangerous, They look for jobs and easily find shelter..  Military homeless people on the other are easy to read, but easily controlled as well.

(Communism)  What  American cultist like about communism is complete and total domination of citizens, lower moral standards, secret police,  unquestioned injustices, no voting on their tyranny, no voting on Freemasonry,  no  voting on things like the church of satan and no voting on sacrifices.  Communism is ideal for white supremacy, satanism and ethnic cleansing and vaccine centers are not to be questioned.

Communism or English socialism are very real  worldwide political conspiracies which are being judged by God.  A new World Crown has arisen to take responsibility for the Judgment of God.  More about satanism is discussed at the F.B.I. emergency service.

(Notes On Democracy) Democracy best works when people are moral, conservative, non racist and not under the authority of wizards or immoral men and women.

If the people of any given settlement, township, village, city, county or state have become corrupt, a moral emergency has arisen and communism or socialism is not the answer.

In a moral emergency child development is key to make sure  any given settlement, township, village, city, county or state does not stay like that

If the people of any given settlement, township, village, city, county or state have become racist and are not cultists and otherwise peaceful,  the World Crown will consider protecting them and keeping them far away from the United States.  There are many places in this world which don’t force integration.  No one should be forced to integrate.  Satanism forces integration and white supremacy both.

The United States is about developing a nation where no racial conflict exists and many nations follow her leadership.  But you can’t force integration.  There are many peaceful racists in the United States, people who will not harm anyone.

Because the United States is not the native land of the Anglo-Saxon human condition it requires  those souls living in the the Anglo-Saxon human to get along and find solutions or even consider moving back to their homeland where not one Native American or African exists, unless Satanism has forced them their too.

An easier solution for the Anglo-Saxon human condition is voluntary education to help them not be so stubborn.  After all in their next life those souls which are Anglo Saxon today are going to be born again into differences races and they will not even remember they were white.

Maintaining Anglo-Saxon human condition free of racism is a responsibility which must consider its future inhabitants. Anglo-Saxon’s do not own the Anglo-Saxon human condition.  They are but guests inside it.

(News & Homeless). Homeless is a news agenda used to incite, disrupt and cause civil unrest. Violence, Fires, Homelessnness and Aggression – YouTube

Deinstitutionalization &  Institutionalization

We used to care more for homeless people until   Deinstitutionalization placed many on the street.    Homeless is a simple fix.  It always has been.  It requires the right people in power and in control of money.  For power to beat the world’s most dangerous people in all their tricks,  the World Crown has come into being.  But if the money is there you can start now.  Where no money exists, you must wait on the World Crown and the Judgement of God to finish its course.

(Institutionalization) Mentally ill homeless people must be institutionalized.  No expense is to great to help them.

(Homelessness SolutionsSolution 1: Make a law requiring homeless people to comply with police who will take them to  a city shelter or a city jail for further processing and examination.

(Homelessness SolutionsSolution 2 is to make homelessness a crime where a person is forced to live in a shelter, or even a  city prison while working with a social worker, a police detective, and a psychologist to determine whether or not they can be rehabilitated or remanded to a an asylum or appropriate housing where they can begin their lives again.

(Homeless & Police).  Increasing homelessness requires a tactical  police response which favors the use of tranquilizers for people who resist being helped for whatever reason.  When a person resists being helped for whatever reason they get tranquilized and wake up in a city jail and can be fed, clothed, counseled attend to then relocated to an appropriate facility.

Homeless children should always be taken into custody.

(Satanism)  Be they activist like Lucien Greavves or high level Masonic grand master wizards and politicians who protect their satanic religious rights through legislation, Satanist organizations associations and individuals are the most dangerous people in the world and they are found in almost every nation, penetrate all the religions and political creeds.

If not in the home, satanism can begin inside a youth organization, a gang, a group of friends or a college fraternity.   Grown up secret societies are all satanists.

Satanist organizations associations and individuals are very politically active and secretly  traffic in children, manufacturer and drive illegal drugs and commit crimes like arson murder, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, serial murder, genocide and many horrible crimes.  Sacrifices and the “Sacred Fire” is very important to them and they make sure that people use the word “sacrifice” in state media as much as possible.

International satanism is a coalition of  public and secret societies and associations which are being judged by God.   They can be very likeable, nice people or militarily aggressive.  They are often well dressed, attractive, well spoken people but pathological liars as well.  They use virtual reality technology to deceive billions of people worldwide about politics, business and life in general.

Satanism affects every nation.  Muslims and religions have their closet satanists as well.  The Imams, Popes, priests and religious leaders who got judged by God together with many politicians and high level businessmen were also satanists.  Communism has a lot of satanism and so does socialism.   Satanism a world power is going to be a thing of the past.  It takes time to Judged the world or else everything would be a mess.

Satanism must be intelligently detected, prosecuted and dismantled when discovered. All efforts to arrest a violent man or women resisting arrest should consider using tranquilizers.

More about satanism is discussed at the F.B.I. emergency service.

(The New Electric and Climate Change Billionaires). The New Electric and climate change billionaires are a monstrous group of people who are always changing.    Their idea is to instill climate change fear,  to ride the tide of the climate change conspiracies and trends and  altar people’s lives while selling everyone the electrical equivalents from gardening equipment to autos.   We do like cleaning up the environment,  but not affirming the theories of climate change.  We like some electric technology and we will like it more when it is fully under the authority of the World Crown who will not use climate change to drive the sales of electrical products or force an all lithium ion world.  (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Going electric) While we remain in a news and information emergency, it is important to keep a good old fashioned standard automobile even if they stop selling gas.  if they do it will one day return.  Your gas powered objects even your car can be retrofitted to work on gas like methane, cleaner burning more economical fuel.  (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Legislation) Make sure your leaders are not virtual. Virtual and mixed reality legislation is done by domestic terrorists or people you don’t know and who may not even be from your country.

(Going electric) In Utah an exchange program CLEAN AIR SLC has started.   If you can afford it,  make sure to not to give up your gas powered equipment.  It might come in handy should your electrical technology fail, catch on fire, explode or backfire. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Going electric) While we remain in a news and information emergency, it is important to keep a good old fashioned standard automobile even if they stop selling gas.  If they do stop selling gas will one day it will return. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Gas) Your petroleum powered objects, even your car can be retrofitted to work on gas like methane, cleaner burning more economical fuel.  A gas powered vehicle is much safer hazard should it catch fire fire.  Lithium Ion fires are monstrous. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Climate Change). These days good old fashion weather instruments  in good working condition are valuable.   If you have good weather instruments keep them, even if your city or state government offer a free exchange for latest and most advanced technology which you can purchase anyway. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Benefits) While news and information remain in a state of emergency If any politician, real or virtual, gives you a any kind of benefit,  make sure you learn all the details of it. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Health) When politicians or government doctors real or virtual enter into matters of health while news and information are still in a state of emergency be cautious.  That is how ethnic cleansing starts. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Notes) Governor J.B. Pritzker’s personal YouTube account was recently cited as unreliable.  This was because it featured Barrack Obama. We are sad to tell the people of Illinois & the United States that Barrack Obama is no longer with us God rest him.  Joe Biden is no longer with us God rest him.  Donald Trump and many others are no longer with us.  Our prayers are joined with your own for a safe transition into a better government by God’s Judgement. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Notes) On Tim Walz’s comment that “we were dying about a million a month by a pandemic that wasn’t addressed by the president.”  That is because the president does not exist!  And conspiracies which try to make the president exist,  do not make it so.  If this makes any sense.  These virtual reality presidents are a  conspiracy aiming to depress, frustrate and anger  the United States. (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Notes Hawaii) I decided not to stream the Honolulu Liquor Commission  We just don’t think it is necessary.  Should s marijuana commission arise we will not show that either.  (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Notes on Controlled Substance)  I don’t have a problem with poor people getting rich.  But not from marijuana,  alcohol or illegal drugs. Private interests have no business in this sector.  To dangerous.  To many monsters.

If controlled substances are to exist legally the people must approve them or disapprove them.  If people in particular state approve them then the government is responsible for selling, controlling and policing them. Government is a much better option than a Kingpin who wants to get kids hooked on drugs so he or she can become richer.  Government would do just the opposite.  Much less violence.

I am also in favor of government owning all pharmaceuticals.  Government has more conscience and is more responsible than the private sector in matters of controlled substances plus they can legislate them, control them and police them better. Much less violence.   Once government gets cleaned up of course.   (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

(Notes) Welcome to USPHS EMA Emergency management:  We live in an information society that knows everything about you even what kind of computer you use.  Even communist know everything about you if they want to look you up.

If you are an American or even if your work for the government of Minnesota, or are in the military and you get this prompting on the computer just below that says Minnesota.gov refuses to connect , make sure to contact the state and tell them what happened or go through your local government and see what can be done.  (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)

Providence: A World Crown has come into existence and is taking away all enemies of the state both foreign and domestic.  The  Judgment of God affects every country.

USPHS EMA is a steady reliable emergency service. During the news and information emergency it is important not to panic and trust our information and media presentation. Everything is going to work out.

Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  We are in our 7th year of service. USPHS EMA is free a public health  emergency service which reports on the news and information emergency.  We also offer Providential information and a free history lesson courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, organizational information, scientific information, religious informationhistorical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.  (See clause 1 & 2 at the top of the page)