Msg no. June 6 Day 2 The world’s shortest Armageddon, Jose’s Desk 60s – 90s and the Parable of the Atheist Doctor

MMXII June 6, 2024 USPHS EMA: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  Welcome to day 2 of the World’s shortest Armageddon.

If not D-Day: Operation Overlord awaits at the library Congress

MMXII June 6, 2024 USPHS EMA: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  We are in our 7th year of service. USPHS EMA is a free a public health  emergency service which reports on the news and information emergency.

We also offer Providential information and a free history lesson courtesy of the Library of Congress.   If this is your first time with us, we welcome you.  News & Information are in state of emergency.  More information at  2024


Jose’s Desk

60s – 90s 

Part 1

Universities do not teach how to write in a real emergency, meaning the Judgement of God.  When the judgment of God is made officially public, escalates and begins to emerge in society more than what people are accustomed to, writing takes on a greater responsibility which involves explaining to people, that their lives, their lifestyles, their sports and their peace,  no matter how poor or rich,  is because God judges and gives us justice for every tragedy, whether or not we are told.  Whether or not God makes headlines.

But God does make the news.  One periodical once wrote in 1969 that “God is Dead” a statement which reflects the determination of a human condition dead on their feet.

Before that headline, the Greatest Story ever told  premiered in 1965.  In 1965 men and women became teachers, athletes, doctors nurses, firefighters,  police officers and all the normal occupations.

Unknown to them, masonic secret societies were preparing  UFO 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ conspiracies that come complete with Armageddon. It seems like they are always working on them.  In 1969 the film Chariots of the Gods was on its way.  Masonic secret societies are International Brotherhoods who seem like they have  nothing better to than to use and manipulate the human condition  to become richer, more powerful and to amuse themselves.

In the 60s,  the religious failed to detect that the Judgment of God was in progress. The suspicions of protestants who believed in the Book of Revelations were stimulated even more by masonic mass media and  communist propaganda.   In all,  the religious failed to harness or albeit sustain the truth and that is a very real Judgment of God is always in progress and that it is not like the book of Revelations.

This God, our Holy Spirit from Heaven knows the human condition like no other.  It watches angels enter in and out of history.  It knows the plans of the human condition, it watches when some its members meet in secret to plan war, to arm nations and secretly or openly back or encourage nations to engage in ideological wars or conflicts.  Our Holy Spirit is the God who knows all things, the God who sees all things and the God who has reasoned all things.

Israel, the Book of Revelations and Armageddon

After God thoroughly judged the world between the years 1919- 1945, 3 years later Israel became nation. This was scripted and was based on many assumptive and presuming interpretations of scripture and on conspiracy, men conspiring to fulfill their own interpretation of prophecy that were already fulfilled in the times they were written.  Men of secrecy are always wanting, waiting and hoping for Armageddon.

We found this posting at Living Waters by Ray Comfort:  In Ray Comfort’s paper are typical, standard masonic teachings that are never fulfilled and lead Christians to believe in many conspiracies such as the rapture,  “doomsday” & the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The statement  “The Jews had no homeland for 2,000 years,” is based on antisemitic history and antisemitic teachings written by racists who were once Jews themselves, according to their own racial standards. This racism plus non Jewish practices are responsible for the decline of Judaism, but its people thrive and are dispersed into other religions and some into none at all.  Many German’s in Nazi Germany had ancestors from Israel and went undetected during the World War II.

Germans from the land of St. Jerome have long loved the beauty and the fairness of the Middle Eastern Anglosaxon, their ancestors,  they just can’t stand the religion and maybe their own Masons, and Secret Knights Orders of Jewish mystics as they call themselves, those who sacrifice children,  “The Heretics” may have something to do do with that.   They certainly identified the heretic, only their leaders ended up being Masonic some say worse.

Also knowing diaspora and persecution like the Jews,  Zoroastrianism has also declined religiously because of persecution and its non Avestan practices.  Zoroastrians were like Jews, and once believed to be a race.   But they are essentially just people.  Old Zoroastrian families can be traced to Romania, Poland, Armenia, Bulgaria and the Middle East.   You are all an old people of the Avesta, the Bible, the Qur’an and Judaism and let us not forget your African,  Native, Indian and Asian heritages.   I know it is not easy, especially if you are racist.

And so the Jews like the Zoroastrians, are a religion, a human condition, not a race.  The hate garnered against them is because of their religion.  But we have all been Jewish and we will all be Jewish again.  As a human condition the religion of Judaism has struggled, that is to say we all have struggled together inside this human condition.  As Africans we have struggled and have been displaced.  In all the world’s peoples, we have struggled.

On a planet ruled by the evils of Socialism, Communism and Democracy,  We are all Israel looked down upon by racists who conspire against us in every nation.  Racist come in all the colors and exist in every nation.

The Jews and Zoroastrian religions have survived incursions of the same heresy that works to break down all the religions.  Religion is supposed to be the best part of life, a place were we can rest.  Religion is also God’s responsibility.  With all that power we expect things from God, but we have to learn how to read the power of the Holy Spirit in our world.

Also it is not just Jews that are scattered.  Judaeism, like Catholics, Christians, Mormons, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Krishnas and all the religions are scattered among the nations making antisemitism a rediculous proposal.   To best understand hate against Jews you also have to factor hate against good healthy religion. The international masonic brotherhoods pretend to love the religions while they work to corrupt them.

Then there is International communism who can’t stand religion outright.  Their most dangerous militants are such small groups, you will hardly notice them when they are gone.  It is not only Israel who suffers religious persecution but the world.

We “the innocent around the world,” are Israel displaced by force inside our nations to believe in racism, Corrupt Democracy, Communism and now the new English Socialism.

Jose’s Desk

60s – 90s 

Part 2

Today in history June 5 and June 10, 1967

Today in history the Six-Day Judgement of God from June 5 and June 10, 1967,   overrode a staged war.

The Six-Day Judgement of God was an escalation of power to spoil the hopes antiquated Socialist men who wanted an Armageddon then and like they do today.

But people believed the mass media which told them that Israel had won a war as if Israel has nothing to do with us, as if they are chosen and we and the Muslims are not.  We together are Israel even the Muslims, even the Germans.  We are one angelic race and take turns living and being born again into all the human conditions in each nation.

During the time called the 6 day war,  the world’s most powerful and corrupt masonic men who had been previously passed over,  were judged  by God.

Miracles and the Judgment of God not only stopped the war, but militaries had to fake nuclear terror because it too was taken away from them. Militaries under the control of Masonic men have even made sacrifices of soldiers.

And so during the 6 day war in Israel not all secret society men got judged.  Lower members in the leadership got a chance to repent and tell the public the truth,  but they did not. Eventually,  depending on how dangerous they became, they would be judged, even if they became famous.

It is impossible to cast perfect memories for all readers, but we must try to generalize so in hindsight we can see our mistakes.

Jose’s Desk

60s – 90s 

Part 3

The 70s

In the 70s the Judgment of God continued because children, men and women continued to disappear just like they did in the 60s.  And it was not U.F.O.s  but U.F.O.  conspiracies were again beginning to work on our minds.

In the 1970s children  were trafficked, murdered or sacrificed while Masonic and communist aggression warred and their paramilitaries exploded buildings, sabotaged planes, trains and automobiles giving all nations headlines and margins of death which to aspire to.

In January of 1970  in China’s, Yunnan Province 10,000 people were killed by an Earthquake the news would say.   In Peru, 66,794 Peruvians were said to have been killed by an earthquake on May 31 of the same year.  Not even today, does anyone suspect the sabotage of their nations by underground explosives to simulate an earthquake.

But in the 1970s while the Partridge Family, the Brady Bunch, Michael Jackson and  Donny Osmond where taking the world by storm,  masonic and communist men of aggression were judged just like they were in the 60s, but communist and masonic conspiracies absorbed the losses, new leaders would rise up. Leadership would regroup like always do and continue conspiracies.

In the 1970s the Zodiac Killer (s) were Judged by God, but mass media reports the Zodiac were never caught giving the general public no relief.  He was judged.  The group was judged.  Police had no idea and there was no explanation as to why the killings stopped.

In God’s judgment the latest communist, nazi and satanic leaders are always getting judged and others are always taking their place.  The Judgment of God follows satanic, nazi communist and  masonic conspiracies worldwide because Christians and the religious devout are always outmaneuvered. And so  A.C.B.S. and its network was created by JC Angelcraft to make you smarter.  A.C.B.S. Angelcraft Comic Books Scripts,  a working man’s comic book, a comic book response for a comic book world. It has many slogans, one is “We will make you smarter than the serpents.”    A.C.B.S. and its network can be interpreted in every language in the world.

The entire period of 1945- to the present is one long coverup of justice a Judgment of God like no other. Many men of aggression and  secrecy got judged during these years and no one was told.  It takes armies men and internet networks of secret societies and associations to keep their illusion over our lives going.  And if there was no God,  this article would mean nothing and we would continue to be held hostage by mass media perpetually,  but thankfully there is a God who for thousands of years has come to our rescue.  Our challenge now is to preserve the memory of those times and not alter our history books or those documents which testified to Providence in our lives.

Jose’s Desk

60s – 90s 

Part 4

The 70s

In the 1970s  it is theorized that the films Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar were an acknowledgment of the Judgment of God.  The projections of a society which was outlasted and beat by the monsters of media and their news and information.

But  Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar , religious media  and all that groovy music of the 60s & 70s and Billy Graham were insufficient to overcome a very experienced international masonic/communist conspiracy  expert at hiding the judgment of God since World 1 & World War 2 and beating the devout with their mass media, propaganda and their politics and altering history texts in the process covering up previous Judgments most notably the World Judgment of God  of the 1800s.

And so failing to predict Christ and read God’s Judgment in the 60s and beat by mass media and assassinations, God’s justice was still there for the people, only the masons who had the knowledge of the Judgment  of God and power to tell Christians which of their Grand Masters got judged,  did not.  They even new communist were being judged, but if they told you, it would take away their game, a game of death fixed on ethnic cleansing by war and by any means possible.

In the 1970s the religious devout were easily overcome by mass media conspiracies. They believed too much in the television which destroyed their faith.   While mass media focused people’s attentions on the Zodiac Killer, and men like Charlie Manson, secret societies and unsuspecting men in suits and ties trafficked in children for sacrifices and getting themselves and their  highest leaders judged at the same time making many happy, happy moments possible in the 70s.  On each nation there happy times.

In the 70s, Christian films Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar did not stop  or scare satanic conspiracies and in 1973 the Wickerman & the Omen 1976 which came later, challenged Christians who failed to solve the satanic conspiracy and take power thinking Jimmy Carter was the answer in the states.  Jimmy Carter was a big believer in the book of Revelations and he believed in it so much he spent the rest of his life working as peacemaker.  But even this did not stop  masonic and communist aggression and their mass media blitzkrieg.

But the Judgment God steadily judged all aspects of the conspiracy, only citizens were not told.  Men of secrecy kept their judgment a secret and absorbed the loss of all their top leaders on a regular basis just like they have been doing these past 13 years since 2011-2012 the year Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Il, Enrique Peña, Donald Trump,  Barrack Obama, Joe Biden and many others were taken by the Judgment of God,  God rest all of them.  What they became could happen to anyone.

In the 70s-80s and after the judgment of God made it possible for hundreds of thousands of concerts, professional and amateur sporting events to take place. But children still disappeared, and children, women were and  murdered and sacrificed by men of secret societies.


Jose’s Desk

60s – 90s 

Part 5

The 70s

Jesus is coming soon

In the 1970s, small revival blessed our lives and men and women of Christianity began to spread the word that Jesus is coming soon.

Christian eschatology was  awoken again in the 1970s years when in Christian gossip circles Ronald Reagan was speculated by some to be “the Beast” from the book of Revelations.

In the 1970s, men of secret societies continued and the right Christian leadership failed to take power.  In 70s like the decade before,  the nation’s Christian politicians covered up the fact that many of politicians were in fact satanists and members of secret societies.

In the 1970s the Mormons and good religious remained old fashion, and them and Christian and Catholic media response to the human condition was limited.  Yet men like Billy Graham and religious leaders still had their effect.

 God’s judgment was steady in our lives in America enough to send us to the discos in 1977 when speed was the upcoming drug.  In the 1970s women still got married and were given in marriage and people still went to school and graduated from school and became doctors, nurses, policemen and firefighters, first responders.

In southern California during the 70s & 80s University of Standford professor Dr. Gene Scott and his eschatology caught and held attentions of many people for years, and so did U.F.Os

In the 1970s a very well hidden masonic U.F.O conspiracy started.  U.F.O. conspiracies are now a tradition.  In the 1930s and 1940s, a radio show called War of the Worlds managed to cash in on all the superstitions built up in Americans by the men of secrecy.   In the 1970s a new generation of people and their imagination’s were ignited by the film Chariots of the Gods.

And so U.F.O.s also competed for the souls of Americans and many U.F.O. cults started in the 1970s lasting to the 1990s the most tragic being the story of Marshall Applewhite. and let us also not forget Without Warning 1994.

Since the end of the World War II, another great Judgment of God, nothing could overcome “The Beast” the black mass media which made English Socialism, a reality in our lives fixing our attention on wars, rumors of wars real and staged and Communism.

Books & UFO & Doomsday Films 1990s which affected the lives of superstitious people and people involved in UFO & Doomsday Cults were:



(Left Behind) Originally published: December 31, 1995 Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth’s Last Days is a best-selling novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins give a misleading narrative to the rapture,  a specific eschatological Christian teaching from the Book of Revelation which people believed in.  If their was no such things, the book Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins would be harmless fiction, but it fed the superstitions of them who believed in the eschatological Christian book and popular interpretations of that book.

(The Book of Revelations )   The Book of Revelations was once much different and served Christians and religious devout until was rejected in various centuries after Christ because it was turned into a book of terror.  The Catholics came to reject it, but the Catholic Bible has pre Christian Apocalyptic writings that are little better some say worse.

God is not a terrorists. God gives us steady justice and is not over controlling.  Humans must master their world as if God is not always going to come to their rescue.

Terrorism is a problem in human condition and it has become an art. But we can as doctors and nurse, policemen and fighter-fighters still work inside it.  We can as government workers take advantage when Judgment of God clears the way for us.  We can as business minded people still do business and as parents raise children and send them to school.  We can also fix what is wrong in education from climate change to medicine-  We must do something about alcoholism, drug abuse and cult teachings directed at our children (see Sacred Fire the Story of Sex)

The Parable of the Doctor

A  good man became a doctor to save lives.  His whole life he studied and ignored religious fanatics who made his life difficult.

“All that I know is how to save lives,” responds the Doctor in the emergency ward. ”  and he saved many lives.

Being a doctor is its own religion.  Being a firefighter or a policeman is its own religion.   A good common sense First Responder religion has been created for if you are not attracted to any of the world’s religions.    You can believe in God in your own way, like many have learned to do on their own.  The end.

Why do Intellectuals at times repel religious fanatics?

Cults, cult men and cult teaching has created a  counter culture of intellectual men and women people not associated with secret societies, people who believe that right thinking, and right action produces the best results in life.  It is very Buddhist to think like that.

Speaking of Buddhism Jesus (The Holy Spirit of Man) is the author of   Buddhism, only the good stuff,  before he was born to Israel.  Jesus was also Moses, Krishna and all the most important Patriarchs in the history of our planet.

Earth has no time for cult.  A cult is a selfish endeavor and people are hungry and nations are in need of repair and cult teachings just don’t help.   While men are casting out satan and teaching satan and allowing the president to get away with many crimes, disciples of Krishna are feeding the hungry without preaching and just meeting the needs of their community.

Jesus also met the needs of his people.  Jesus also fed the hungry.  Jesus was a clear thinking man and a reasonable man.  He was firm and corrective to belligerent cultists, and gentle with the innocent.   .

Jesus was a practical man.  He had to be a rational man because men of cult, mentally ill men would always draw close to him or would conspire against him.

Before hospitals and psychology existed, Jesus brought healing to those who were physically and psychologically sick.

Jesus lived in times when there were no  supermarkets, no running water,  no plumbing, no electrical and survival for many was a day to day affair and cults and the occult was the last thing anyone wanted or needed.

But Jesus brought relief to a human condition which would transform history after his death.  Such a tremendous impact Jesus had on the human condition in the moment, Christianity was created and became an approved Holy Spirit religion.. It does not happen very often.  Islam & Sikhism are two others.  Bahaism is another religion, the only problem is that Bahaism is nothing new.

All main branches of religion were founded just like World Crown presents religion today.   In the time of Moses, the God who had no name, is a good example of the Holy Spirit saying to Moses  “I can’t give you just one name Moses, “I am that I am,”  this is because the Holy Spirit is known by many names and Moses knew most of them.

Further Reading

a lack of official contact,  is the barometer by which we make daily decisions…

MMXII June 6, 2024 USPHS EMA:  Thank you for joining us.  News and information remain in a state of emergency.  Nothing to report, not even for Mexico.  Contact and communication with our emergency service is a barometer which no breaking news story can overcome or overturn.

A lack of official contact  is the barometer by which we make daily decisions to provide Americans & Mexicans their emergency services. Otherwise we would not lift a finger, not intervene, and allow natural events to take their course.

Nothing but real communication with our offices and with emergency services can change our course.  Unofficial contact with the U.S. Army and Mexican Navy has occurred, but when official contact is made with me, emergency services will continue and not stop, but transitional emergency services will begin. Transitional emergency services will be controlled by each nation’s “First Contact” emergency response team  and supervised by the World Crown.

USPHS EMA truth is health to the nation

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management.  Life is generally stable.   Voting is not stable.  The candidates for the presidency Joe Biden & Donald Trump  are virtual and no longer with us, God rest them.   News and information continue in a general state of emergency.

USPHS EMA: State Fair 2024: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management;  Did you like Dreamville?  We have similar music festivals all over the United States. Some are about Gospel and Country Music, others classical music and Chicago’s Jazz Festival is legendary.  Make sure to keep up with your city’s local calendar for your next music or arts festival and don’t forget the State Fair!

Free Books!

What arts are playing  near me?  Ticketmaster select your location

Chronicling America

Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963.  You can also use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.

A Framework of History

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Founding Documents

Welcome to the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management Agency. Mass media is in a state of emergency for political news and general information.
