Msg no. June 12 The Brooklyn Bridge & “I am with you always” & The History of War

MMXII June 12, 2024 USPHS EMA: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  We are in our 7th year of service. USPHS EMA is a free a public health  emergency service which reports on the news and information emergency.

We also offer Providential information and a free history lesson courtesy of the Library of Congress.   If this is your first time with us, we welcome you.  News & Information are in state of emergency.  More information at  2024

The Brooklyn Bridge spans New York’s East River to connect Manhattan with Brooklyn. When completed in 1883, the bridge, with its massive stone towers and a main span of 1,595.5 feet between them, was by far the longest suspension bridge in the world. Today, the Brooklyn Bridge is hailed as a key feature of New York’s City’s urban landscape, standing as a monument to progress and ingenuity as well as symbolizing New York’s ongoing cultural vitality. Today in history on June 12, 1806, John A. Roebling, civil engineer and designer of bridges was born.   He was one of the men who help to build the bridge.

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service.  EMA Emergency Management.

Today in History at the Library of Congress

Today in History at the Library of Congress

Media Review

Jose’s Desk

“I am with you always”

MMXII June 12, 2024 USPHS EMA: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.

The teaching “I am with you always” has lost its meaning.” It literally means what it says.

The teaching “I am with you always” is a promise of Holy Spirit that it is always with us on Earth and in Heaven.

But in order for the Holy Spirit to be with us on earth and fulfill this teaching it requires mechanics of incarnation and reincarnation.  Through the first two souls, the Holy Spirit became the first man and woman on the earth and has been reincarnating ever since, just like our own souls.

“I am with you always” is what gave you approved religion through Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad to name only four times the Holy Spirit was with us.

“I am with you always”  is also that premonition of Native Americans stated by Christopher Columbus when he met the Indigenous “that they seem to have a firm perception that all force, power and good things are from Heaven….” (Letter of Christopher Columbus)

Also when on Earth, God himself or our Heavenly mother work painstakingly at fixing the human condition, government and religion and not just the Catholic church, but all their religions and what limits human bodies place on them they have to trust their Holy Spirit.

In order for the Holy Spirit to be a Saint such as Saint Augustin, or St, Geronimo, or Santa Monica using only three manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the reincarnation of the Spirit of Man and the Spirit of Woman is required.   Man and woman are as much administrators as they are Saints, prophets, teachers and leaders of their world.

“I am with you always”

If The History of War were God you would easily see the  “I am with you always”

If men and women wrote history to reflect “I am with you always”  instead of the history war , we would have the History of “I am with you always” or  history as it is intended to be “His” story or “Her” their story “Its” story, a continuous judgment of God like our bibles inside whose books we can also find wars.

In reading history, especially histories rewritten by atheists or heretics,  we have to assume the Holy Spirit is with us and is there watching and caring at least from Heaven if not both and also on Earth, because communists and heretics  surely don’t write in their History books, “here is where God put us all in our place.”  The same is occurring at this moment and now since 2011-2012, you have gotten no political relief except from the writings and the words of the World Crown.

As a reader of history, you have to fight through histories that don’t transmit , “here is where God put us all in our place,” because in the The History of Warthat moment always exists.  That moment where God puts all in our place exists in regular time  and history as well.

As a reader of history, you have to fight through histories that don’t transmit I am with you always  until better history books are written.

History and even news written by communists and heretics aims at convincing you to become atheists if not heretics

The Cristero war is an escalation in the Judgment of God.  The world’s current escalation started 2011-2012

The Cristero war lesson and its playlist is important not only for Latin America, but for the world.

Mexico’s Cristero War which was actually another escalation in the Judgment of God for Mexico 1926-1929.

In the Cristero war, Communism had previously been judged, continued to be Judged, Freemasonry was judged and  Mexico’s Federal Government and the Catholic Church were both judged. The Judgment of God settled things all over again in favor of peace.

A  better history of Mexico’s Cristero War should be written one which should reflect the fact that God would not allow this for the whites and nothing for the Mexicans 1926-1929.  It should be stated that during the escalation of Europe 1936-1945, Mexico enjoyed its “Golden Era” which is especially visible in film and music.

The Mexicans also had many great moments between 1926-1929, triumph moments,  but racists, heretics and communists will not let Mexicans escape their version of this time in history.

It should also be mentioned that an escalation in the Judgement of God during 1926-1929 the same period in the United States, God took away the money changers as F.D.R. called them.  During that period towards the end,  the Stock Market crashed and Herbert Hoover, a man of justice who would logically fight the money changers, lasted only one presidency.

Judgment of God is so we can enjoy life

In Mexico’s Cristero War,  naturally the professional atheist and the heretic decision makers are Judged   so simple people  can have their happiness and not feel bad as to why the Mexicans were caught between the leadership of violent men on each side.  Inside Mexico’s history called the Cristero War there is a determination to make Mexicans communists and atheist.  Communism failed miserably.

Around the world are many history books written by communists and socialist historians.  Democracies are filled with socialists, especially in Latin American History.  Revolution is the key word which binds Latin America to a Socialist understanding of life, which states there is no God and that you have to fight for your freedom.

The History of War,  in general inspires more atheism than it does faith.  When in fact if we look at the history of war, with a step of faith to the “where is God?” person, one can say right there in history of the history of war,.

Throughout History our Holy Spirit has made sure to limit the harm we do to each other.  All wars and revolutions if not fictitious, are escalations in the Judgment of God to meet the desperate attempts by corrupted men to retain power.  War and the Judgment of God against that war is always about power and God puts us in our placed repeatedly throughout history, just like today.  Nothing has changed.

Also in the history war all tyrannical victories and outcomes are lies.  In reality, the Holy Spirit always makes sure good prevails under all circumstances.

And so today the study of war again takes on a more profound meaning.

I am with you always

The Sistine Chapel

Facism, national socialism, communism once reasoned logically to destroy the Vatican and make atheism the Global institution they thought it be.  They failed more than once.  Such an easy target it is, especially with missiles and long range bombers.

Nothing reminds us of the the phrase  “I am with you always,” like the history art, and the mere continued existence of religious buildings even in Islam, even in Hindu and Muslim and good religious scripture from around the world.

In the history war starting in the 1500s  we have a fortunate contextual luck of Michelangelo painting of Him and Her and all the returns of Holy Spirit of Man and Woman inside the Sistine Chapel-

What would compel such a great work that is the Sistine Chapel?

What would compel such a great work that is Vatican if not the fact that century after century God is always with us and from above and below is always making sure we get justice,

USPHS EMA truth is health to the nation

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management.  Life is generally stable.   Voting is not stable.  The candidates for the presidency Joe Biden & Donald Trump  are virtual and no longer with us, God rest them.   News and information continue in a general state of emergency.

USPHS EMA: State Fair 2024: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management;  Did you like Dreamville?  We have similar music festivals all over the United States. Some are about Gospel and Country Music, others classical music and Chicago’s Jazz Festival is legendary.  Make sure to keep up with your city’s local calendar for your next music or arts festival and don’t forget the State Fair!

Free Books!

Chronicling America

Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963.  You can also use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.

A Framework of History

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Founding Documents

Welcome to the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management Agency. Mass media is in a state of emergency for political news and general information.
