Msg no. May 28 Jim Thorpe 

MMXII May 28, 2024 USPHS EMA: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management.  We are in our 7th year of service. USPHS EMA is a free a public health  emergency service which reports on the news and information emergency.

We also offer Providential information and a free history lesson courtesy of the Library of Congress.   If this is your first time with us, we welcome you.  News & Information are in state of emergency.  More information at  2024

Today in history world class athlete Jim Thorpe was born in a one-room cabin near Prague in Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, on May 28, 1888. Thorpe’s versatile talents earned him the distinction of being chosen, in 1950, the greatest football player and the greatest American athlete of the first half of the twentieth century by American sports writers and broadcasters.

Also today in history on May 28 and 29, 1851, the Ohio Woman’s Rights Convention met in Akron. Mrs. Frances D. Gage, convention president, began the proceedings with a stirring call to arms:

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service.  EMA Emergency Management.

Today in History at the Library of Congress

Media Review

USPHS EMA truth is health to the nation

Thank you for joining us here at the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management.  Life is generally stable.   Voting is not stable.  The candidates for the presidency Joe Biden & Donald Trump  are virtual and no longer with us, God rest them.   News and information continue in a general state of emergency.

USPHS EMA: State Fair 2024: Welcome to United States Public Health Service Emergency Management;  Did you like Dreamville?  We have similar music festivals all over the United States. Some are about Gospel and Country Music, others classical music and Chicago’s Jazz Festival is legendary.  Make sure to keep up with your city’s local calendar for your next music or arts festival and don’t forget the State Fair!

Free Books!

Chronicling America

Search America’s historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963.  You can also use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress.

A Framework of History

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Founding Documents

Welcome to the United States Public Health Service EMA Emergency Management Agency. Mass media is in a state of emergency for political news and general information.
